Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Warrior Dash - Rockies

Just signed up to join in the fun a festivities in Colorado at the Warrior Dash It will probably be one of the most exciting times you could have and still be legal. August 21st - 22nd. Will get to camp out and have a party. The drive there will all excitement and totally worth it, the trip back, well that may be a little harder and less exciting.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010



Toby Dougal - Team Aquaphor

Facebook - Team Aquaphor



Speed Tri - Cascade

Speed Tri - Cascade

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Up coming events

June - 19th - Cascade Speed Tri

July - 3rd - Freedom Half Marathon - SLC Ut.

July – 10th - Idaho Falls BlackTail Tri

August – 7th - Emmett's Most Excelent Tri

August - 14th - Bear Lake 70.3 Tri

– 21st & 22nd - Warrior Dash - Colorado

Team Aquaphor / FaceBook link

Come on in a join the club. TEAM AQUAPHOR!!

Cascade Speed Triathlon. Cascade, Idaho


Benefits of ZMA

From NutraBio.com

The Original ZMA® is a scientifically designed, university laboratory tested anabolic mineral support formula. ZMA increases muscle strength and promotes a deep restful sleep which is extremely important for maximizing healing, recovery, regeneration and growth. ZMA is a uniquely synergistic formula designed to be used in conjunction with an effective exercise program.

ZMA® was the first product developed specifically to enhance recovery by improving sleep efficiency. ZMA promotes a deep and restful sleep and restores exercise tolerance which is decreased by sleep deprivation. A University research study also found ZMA to significantly increase free and total testosterone levels in trained athletes.

ZMA® is an advanced formulation designed to significantly improve muscle strength and endurance as well as accelerate healing and tissue repair. Scientific research has demonstrated that rigorous exercise and stress result in significant body losses of zinc and magnesium. These mineral deficiencies are common in the general population and even more prevalent in athletes.

As more fitness enthusiasts begin to truly understand how to maximize recovery and muscle growth, they'll join those already spreading the ZMA gospel "You Grow As You Sleep!

Make your own Phosphagen Creatine

An article I found while trying to look for a killer pre/during/post drink. It is a mixture of Dextrose, and other such ingredients. I changed it up to mine own likings and you may want to do the same. The bottom line is the same. It is way cheaper and better for you I think. The cost savings is the biggest benefits. I will see how it works out this weekend with my training and also my performance in the Cascade Speed Triathlon I am racing in on Saturday.
So, I added some Gatorade mixing powder packets instead of the Coolaid and added some Glutamine in upon drink time because it is also good for the muscles. Your local Health Food store should carry the Dextrose or bodybuilding.com is one of the best places to get anything you need cheap and fast. Love those guys!!

I will update later with my calorie servings and such since I used different stuff then the guy did on the site and I will also update on the performance feeling.